Japan Trust Pay利用規約

Japan Trust Pay利用規約(以下「本規約」という)は、一般社団法人ジャパンカンパニートラスト(以下、「JCTO」という)とそれを利用する購入者及び販売者が、必要な事項を定めるものである。

Japan Trust Payの利用について、購入者と販売者が、本規約に定める条件に同意し、JCTOが両者に契約締結通知時、Japan Trust Payの利用に関する契約(以下「本契約」という)が成立するものとする。


(1) 「JCTO」とは、商品取引における詐欺行為を防止する機関のことである。
(2) 「Japan Trust Pay」とは、取引において購入者と販売者の間にJCTO(第三者)が介在し、安全な売買を保証するサービスのことである。
(3) 「購入者」とは、JCTOを通して販売者に代金を支払うことを希望し、本契約を締結した者のことである。
(4) 「販売者」とは、購入者がJCTOを通して代金を支払うことに同意し、本契約を締結した者のことである。
(5) 「両者」とは、「購入者」と「販売者」のことである。
(6) 「営業日」とは、JCTOが定め、所定の方法により公表するものである。
(7) 「指定口座」とは、JCTOが指定する「指定金融機関」の口座のことをいう。
(8) 「商品代金」とは、購入者が販売者に対して支払うべきInvoiceに記載の代金、通関費用、国内陸送費を含む運送料、検査料、保険料等の費用を含んだ合算額をいう。
(9) 「Invoice」とは、販売者とJCTOそれぞれの所定のフォームに基づく請求書のことをいう。
(10) 「JCTO Invoice」とは、JCTOが購入者に対して請求するJapan Trust Pay手数料の請求書のことをいう。


第4条(Trust Pay)
1.Trust Payは商品の内容及び品質を保証するものではない。商品内容の相違及び品質についてのトラブルがあった場合、JCTOは両者の話し合いにより解決するものとする。

1. JCTOは、指定口座に対する振込があった場合、以下の各号に定める要件がすべて満たされた場合に限り、購入者からの振込が指定口座に着金することを承諾するものとする。
(1) Invoice に指定された振込金額の振込が過不足なく行われたこと。
(2) Invoice の番号が銀行関係書類に記載された振込みであること。
2. 本条第1項の定めに従い、購入者からの振込が指定口座に着金した場合、JCTOはこれを商品代金の弁済とみなし、販売者に代わって預託するものとする。
3. 購入者からの振込金額に不足があった場合、JCTOは着金と認めない。
4. Invoiceに指定された金額を超過した振込があった場合、JCTOは購入者に通知をし、超過金額を返金するものとする。ただし、振込手数料については購入者が負担するものとする。
5. 本条第1項の定めにしたがい、購入者からの振込が指定口座に着金した場合、JCTOは、着金した金銭の通貨のまま預託する。
7.Original B/L発行後の取引キャンセルについて、JCTOは両者間で協議の上、従うものとする。

1. JCTOは、以下の各事由のいずれかが発生した場合、商品代金をJCTOが着金後保管する所定通貨の状態で、購入者の指定する返金口座あてに、販売者に代わって遅滞なく返金することができるものとする。この場合、JCTOの事前説明または表示にかかわらず、購入者が実際に受領する返金の額は、入金の額と異なる可能性がある。また、手数料は全て購入者が負担するものとする。本項に基づき返金が行われた場合、本契約は終了されるものとみなす。
(1) B/Lの写し及び商品写真と販売者からのInvoiceの詳細内容の不一致が解消されなかった場合
(2) 購入者が注文した商品情報と実際に船/航空会社の保管場所に搬入された商品情報に相違が確認された場合
(3) 販売者がJCTOに必要な情報を提供しなかった場合
(4) 販売者が本契約の定めに違反した場合
(5) 販売者によるJCTOに対する重大な背信行為があった場合
(6) 前各号に準ずるような本規約またはその他に基づく取引を継続しがたい重大な事由が発生した場合
(7) その他JCTOが特に購入者保護のために必要と認めた場合


1. JCTO、または、購入者は、販売者に以下のいずれかの事由が生じた場合には、JCTOからの催告通知により、本契約を即時解除することができるものとする。
(1) 本契約に違反し、JCTOが催告通知後 30日以内に是正されないとき、もしくは義務違反の是正が見込めないと判断したとき。
(2) 支払の停止、または、破産、民事再生、会社更生、会社整理、特別清算、もしくは、その他これらに類する手続の申し立てがあったとき。
(3) 解散の決定がなされたとき、または、解散命令が下されたとき。
(4) 差押、仮差押、仮処分、もしくは、競売の申し立てがあったとき、または、租税滞納による処分を受けた とき。
(5) 販売者が反社会的勢力(現在・過去を問わず暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団準構成員、暴力団関係企業、総会屋、社会運動等標榜ゴロ、特殊知能暴力集団及びこれらに準ずるものに該当する個人または法人その他の団体並びにその密接関係者をいう。)であると判明したとき。
(6) その他信頼関係の維持が困難となる重大な事由が生じたとき。




Japan Trust Pay Terms and conditions

The Terms and conditions for Buyer & Seller (“Terms and conditions”) set forth the necessary Terms and conditions to use Japan Trust Pay service provided by Japan Company Trust Organization (“JCTO”).

Article 1 Application for Use of the Service and Formation of Agreement

The agreement (“Agreement”) for using Japan Trust Pay is formed when Buyer and Seller has accepted the Terms and conditions.

Article 2 Definitions

Terms used in this Terms and conditions are defined as follows.

(1) “JCTO” means an organization that protects commodity exchange from fraud.
(2) “Japan Trust Pay” means the service provided by third party(JCTO), that intervenes between overseas buyer and the Japanese seller for safe trade.
(3)  “Buyer” means a person who resides outside of Japan, wishing to pay the goods amount to the seller through JCTO and has formed this Agreement.
(4)  “Seller” means a company in Japan that has agreed to receive the goods amount paid by Buyer through JCTO and has formed this Agreement.
(5) ” Both parties” means Buyer and Seller.
(6) “Business Day” means business day set by JCTO (excluding days which are not the business days of Japanese banks). Business Day is to be announced under method designated by JCTO.
(7) “Designated Bank Account”means bank account of the designated financial institution designated by JCTO.
(8) “Purchase Price” means total amount on Invoice to be paid by the Buyer to the Seller, which includes but not limited to customs fee, freight, inspection fee etc.
(9) “Invoice” means an invoice written in predetermined for and issued by the Seller and JCTO.
(10)  “Business Day” means an invoice issued by JCTO, issued to the Buyer with Japan Trust Pay service charges.

Article 3 Amendments to this Terms and conditions

JCTO may amend this Terms and conditions upon posting prior notice on the website under management and operation of JCTO.

Article 4 Japan Trust Pay Service

4.1Trust Pay does not cover content or quality of the trading goods.
In an event of our discrepancies regarding quality of goods, both parties are required to settle the issue by negotiation.
4.2 The Agreement between JCTO and both parties is terminated when JCTO completes payment to Seller.

Article 5 Remittance of Purchase Price

5.1 When the Invoice amount is remitted by the Buyer to the Designated Bank Account, JCTO shall accept such remittance of Purchase Price to the Designated Bank Account from the Buyer only when the following conditions are fully satisfied.
(1) Remittance must be made in the currency accepted by JCTO with the exact amount.
(2) Invoice number must be written on the Banking remittance documents.

5.2 If remittance of Purchase Price by the buyer to the Designated Bank Account is confirmed under Article 5.1, JCTO may deem such remittance as the payment of the Purchase Price from the buyer and JCTO will accept such Purchase Price on behalf of the Buyer.

5.3 JCTO will not accept when remittance amount from the Buyer is not in full amount.

5.4 JCTO will give notice and refund Buyer the excess amount from Purchase Price, upon the request of the Buyer. However, Buyer shall pay any remittance fees or other expenses incurred by the refund.

5.5 JCTO will hold the funds in the same currency remitted from the Buyer.

5.6 The Buyer will send remittance total sum of the Invoice from the Seller and also Invoice from the JCTO. In a case where Buyer choose to pay Seller’s Invoice amount and JCTO Invoice amount separately, the Buyer is responsible for any bank remittance charges.

5.7 For any Cancellation after the issuance of original Bill of Lading, JCTO will operate according to those of resolution between the Seller and the Buyer.

5.8 The remitted amount of Purchase Price by the Buyer to the Designated Bank Account of JCTO considered to be the property of the Buyer. After JCTO confirms shipping of goods, the remitted amount of Purchase Price becomes the property of the Seller at time of bank transfer to the Seller.

Article 6 Refund of Received Purchase Price

6.1 If any of the following events occur, JCTO will confirm such event and if the Buyer has made a request to JCTO for a refund, JCTO may refund the Received Purchase Price to the Buyer in the same currency to the Seller without delay the same bank account used for remittance amount of Purchase Price. In such case, despite prior explanation or indication of JCTO, Buyer shall acknowledge that the actual refund amount to be received by the Buyer may be different from the amount Buyer initially transferred. If the refund under this Article 6.1 is being processed, this Agreement is deemed to be cancelled.

(1) When any inconsistency between the copy of the Bill of Lading and picture of products set out in the copy of Bill of Lading and the Invoice content are not resolved.
(2) When a difference is confirmed between the Buyer’s purchased goods and the actual goods carried into the ship/airlines storage location.
(3) When the Seller fails to send requested information to JCTO.
(4) When Seller violates any provision hereof relating to this Agreement.
(5) When Seller conducts any act of disloyalty to JCTO.
(6) When any other significant reasons equivalent to those listed in the preceding items making it difficult to continue transactions under this Terms and conditions or any other agreements.

(7) When any other events which JCTO finds that a refund is required for the protection of the Buyer.

6.2 If this Agreement is deemed to be cancelled, JCTO will refund the Received Purchase Price, but all bank charges must be paid by the Buyer. Further, JCTO Invoice amount is not subject to refund.

6.3 The account for refund must be the Buyer’s same account utilized for merchandise payment.

Article 7 Handling of User Information

7.1 We deal with both parties information provided through JCTO website is handled with strict care as this pertains personal privacy information. In using both parties information, JCTO shall manage it as confidential information under care of management.
7.2 When it is necessary to delete any User information, JCTO shall promptly delete the User information under designated method of any by the User.
7.3 In the unlikely event that leakage of any User information occurs, JCTO shall report the facts to the User in detail and will make effort to prevent further leakage.

Article 8 Cancellation or Early Termination of Agreement

8.1 If any of the items set out below apply to JCTO or the Buyer, this Agreement may be terminated upon giving written notice the Seller.

(1) When there is a breach of obligation under this Agreement and such breach is not rectified within thirty (30) days of notice from JCTO and when JCTO judges that correction demands cannot be anticipated by the Seller.
(2) When the Seller suspends any payments, or a petition is filed by or against Seller for bankruptcy, Civil Rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, corporate rearrangement proceedings, special liquidation, or any other similar bankruptcy proceedings.
(3) When a resolution is adopted or an order is issued for dissolution of Seller’s company.
(4) When an application for attachment, provisional attachment, provisional disposition or compulsory auction has been filed against the Seller or a disposition for tax delinquency has been sustained.

(5) When JCTO discovers the Seller to be involved with antisocial forces stated.
(6) When any other significant reason that mutual trust is difficult to maintain.

Article 9 Confidentiality

JCTO and Both parties shall take the utmost care to maintain confidentiality of the other party’s technical, sales or other business information obtained or disclosed under or in connection with this Agreement (“Confidential Information”), and shall not disclose, divulge or sell any Confidential Information to a third party nor reproduce, modify, or exploit any Confidential Information for any other purpose not stated in this Agreement without the prior written approval of the other non-disclosing party. JCTO and Both parties will take appropriate measures to maintain confidentiality.

Article 10 Jurisdiction and Governing Law

This Terms and conditions and JCTO Service are governed by the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court have exclusive jurisdiction as the courts of first instance with regard to any actions arising in connection with this Terms and conditions.

Article 11 Language

Official text of this Terms and conditions is in Japanese language and will be interpreted accordingly.